We try to centralize resources for parents, families, and support systems to help make your transition to Temple University as seamless as possible. Can't find what you're looking for? Please contact us at 215-204-8531 or at [click-for-email] and we can point you in the right direction!
Parent and Family Resource Guide
This resource includes the academic calendar, a resource directory, information about various campus departments, and more.

Parent and Family Experience Portal
The Parent and Family Experience Portal is your online, informational resource as a Temple family member.
Your one-stop shop for:
- Access to important campus news and deadlines
- Personalized newsletters
- Announcements via email
- Sharing of updates with friends and family
Create an account and set-up your profile today! Once you create an account, you can select the type and frequency of information you receive. If your email address or contact information changes, please update this on your Parent and Family Experience profile.
Webinar recordings
Missed a recent Temple Family webinar? View the recordings here.
Temple campus resources
Visit to learn more about various campus resources and departments here to support you and your student or take a peek at our helpful list of common words and phrases used in the Temple Community.
FERPA and access to your student's records
Students' parents, guardian, or support system (family members) play such an important role in our students’ success. We want you to know that we value your partnership and that we look forward to working together to help your student succeed.
As required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, Temple University cannot disclose a student's education records without the written consent of a student or without proof that the student is the tax dependent of the parent.
Click the buttons below for more information about FERPA and proxy access.
Learn more about student record services for family members
Care packages
Parent and Family Programs has partnered with CampusCube to offer a great selection of care packages for exams, birthdays, or whenever you want to send your student a boost. Subscriptions, birthday boxes, gluten-free options, nut-free options, vegan options and more are all available! All purchases support Parent and Family Programs.